Well-being - Naturopath & Reflexologist Massages

Du 18 June au 30 September


Naturopath Reflexologist Massages
Treat yourself to a well-being break during your stay..
Marie BERNARD offers naturopathic vitality check-ups, plantar reflexology sessions as well as relaxation and Tibetan massages.
Information and registration at the Tourist Office.
Sessions from 45 minutes to 1h30 depending on the treatment .

To explain this a bit...
Naturopathy is based on 3 main pillars which are diet, physical condition and emotional state. We have a vision of the human being as a whole, if one of the plans is unbalanced, then it will be the same for the others in the long term.
Naturopathy makes it possible to act on these imbalances using tools such as aromatherapy, phytotherapy, nutritherapy, reflexology.
Duration: approx. 1h15
Price: 50€

Plantar reflexology allows, by acupressure points to act on sleep, stress, digestive discomfort, irregular cycles, it participates in a good immune function. It is interesting on all levels.
Duration: approx. 1 hour
Price: 50€

Sometimes, we cannot do reflexology, during pregnancy for example, but we can however offer a relaxing massage of the legs and feet which allows a good letting go.
Anyone can request a relaxing massage.
Duration: 45 minutes
Price: 40€

Tibetan massage.
Duration: 1 hour
Price: 70€
It is a massage with Himalayan and Dead Sea salt pouches as well as small rose quartz crystals which are heated and then applied to the body following certain meridians. This massage brings a very great psychic and physical relaxation and participates in a good recovery from the effort by activating the blood circulation.



Prices not available.